One of the teachings of Be in Health is titled Separation. Those who practice the concept of separation are able to separate the words and actions people do from who they are as people. Learning
Be in Health ministries is doing something amazing: They are giving away 100,000 copies of the book Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease by Dr. Henry W. Wright. Here is an excerpt from their website:
I liked all of the topics covered in the two weeks that were at Be in Health, but there was a few that stood out.
SeparationThe teaching of separation was very important to me. It teaches
During our time at Be in Health there were several interesting topics. Actually all of the topics were interesting, but some stood out more than others. In the future I will be sharing my insights on the various topics
I like how the ministry of Be in Health structured the For My Life retreat and Walk Out Workshop. For My Life was intensive teaching, group ministry, interactions with presenters/teachers, and some Q&A times.
The following is my perspective on the Be in Health ministry in Thomaston, GA, specifically regarding the For My Life Retreat and the Walk Out Workshop. It is based upon my two week experience.
Venue/AtmosphereThe venue
Be in Health: For My Life Retreat and Walk Out Workshop
My wife Carmi and I spent two weeks at Be in Health in Thomaston, GA. We assumed it would be a great experience for us,
Be in Health-For My Life Retreat-Day FiveToday’s classes were:Gifts and Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Healing Profiles Ministry (prayer for specific diseases), and prayer for every attendee of the retreat.
Overall the last week there was
Be in Health-For My Life Retreat-Day ThreeOnce again most of the classes and presenters were very good. Once again very helpful information regarding health and healing in all realms of life. There was a teaching that was applicable to
The following topics were discussed today:Occultism: We think of satanism or witchcraft when we hear the word occultism but it is much more than that. It involves trying to obtain secret knowledge, secret societies, a need to know that