Donations to Creating Futures
You can make donations to the various outreaches of Creating Futures:
Creating Futures
Saturate USA
Standing in the Gap
There is Hope Radio
There is Hope TV

How Funds Are Disbursed

Help Support Creating Futures

If you believe in the ministry of Creating Futures we have a variety of ways you can support the various outreaches of the ministry.
(FYI, at this time donations are not tax-deductible.)

Creating Futures
This is the overall ministry of Creating Futures. Your donation would go into the General Fund and be used where most needed.

Saturate USA
Creating Futures is joining with the Saturate USA to get the gospel in every home in Arkansas and beyond.

Standing in the Gap
This is the Intercessory Prayer outreach of Creating Futures.

There is Hope Radio
This is the Radio Ministry of Creating Futures.

There is Hope TV
This is the TV Ministry of Creating Futures.

Listed below is how you can make a donation and to learn more of how your funds will be used.

Donate via Zelle

Make a donation via Zelle. When you make a donation to Zelle, our ministry does not pay processing fees. (FYI, at this time your donation will not be tax-deductible.)
Use, in comments put the ministry you want to support.
donate there is hope radio zelle

Donate via PayPal

Donate via your Paypal Account or use your Credit or Debit Card

When you donate via PayPal you can choose to donate to a specific Creating Futures ministry  choose to make a one-time or monthly subscription. (FYI, donations are not tax-deductible.)
donate creating futures paypal credit card

Donate via Venmo

Donate via Venmo

When you donate via Venmo you can choose to donate to a specific Creating Futures ministry (make notation in comments). FYI, donations are not tax-deductible.)
donate creating futures venmo

How Donations are Directed

The following is the annual budget for each ministry of Creating Futures.
FYI, none of the budgeted expenses includes salaries or wages. All ministry is done on a volunteer basis and love offerings. (At this time donations are not tax-deductible.)
Creating Futures
Donations are used to cover ministry office expenses, teaching materials, and any other ministry expenses not related to the outreach ministries listed below.
Annual Budget: $3,200

Saturate USA
Donations are used to cover gospel literature in Saturate USA packets and fuel, lodging expenses related to Saturate USA outreaches.
Annual Budget: $1,160

Standing in the Gap
Donations are used to cover the cost of prayer line, worship and prayer events.
Annual Budget: $500

There is Hope Radio
Donations are used to cover the cost of airtime, podcast hosting, and software/equipment.
Annual Budget: $2,640

There is Hope TV
Donations are used to cover the cost of hosting previous broadcasts.
Annual Budget: $330

Make a donation for one month of expenses or choose a donation amount.

Total Annual Budget for 2025: $7,830, $653 a month
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