Saturate Arkansas
Arkansas has 601 zip codes.
Through Saturate USA 100 zip codes have been adopted.
Creating Futures has adopted six zip codes/cities of the 100. We will be adopting more zip codes:
Fairfield Bay
Greers Ferry?Higden
Heber Springs
Tumbling Shoals

Saturate USA
Saturate USA will work with any church in America to Saturate Your City with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

FAQs regarding Saturate

Saturate USA

Saturate USA is a God-sized vision to take the love of the Gospel to 120 million households by the end of 2027. The hope is to spark true repentance and revival in America.

How Accomplished
The way this is accomplished is providing each household with a Door Hanger Packet that includes Three Jesus Films on DVD, link to iPhone/Android App that has multitudes of Gospel movies in a variety of languages, and a Bible Tract. All of this is provided at no charge-absolutely free, plus your church can add resources in the Door Hanger Packet.

The Steps
1. Adopt-Adopt a zip code to saturate.
2. Receive all Door Hanger Packet materials free of charge including shipping.
3. Assemble-Combine all the materials including your church literature.
4. Saturate-Using Saturate USA provided, and your own maps, deliver the Packets to each household.

The following will provide information on Creating FuturesĀ  working with Saturate USA to Saturate every zip code in Arkansas with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pastor/Outreach Leader Saturate Packet

Creating Futures and Saturate Arkansas

The ministry of Creating Futures lead by PreacherRichD (Richard D. Dover) is committed to work with Saturate USA and churches across Arkansas to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ into every zip code (every household) in Arkansas. This is a giant project that is going to require congregations across Arkansas to unite together for the sake of the Gospel.

What About Your Church?
Is your church willing and ready to get the Gospel in every household in your community or at least in your surrounding neighborhoods. If so, listed below is helpful information for you and contact PreacherRichD at Creating Futures right now (1-866-WANT-GOD), or fill out the Contact Form to learn how your church Can Make a Difference. (Thousands of dollars of gospel material will be provided at no cost by Saturate USA.)

What About You?
Your church is not willing to take take the step to unite with Saturate USA and Creating Futures to get the Gospel into every household in Arkansas? That does not stop you from fulfilling the Great Commission. Creating Futures will equip you and get you involved in Saturating Arkansas. Give PreacherRichD a call today (1-866-WANT-GOD) or fill out the Contact Form.

Read the miracle story of what the Lord used to get PreacherRichD of Creating Futures involved in Saturate USA.

saturate arkansas tools

Saturate USA Resources

The following resources are available from Saturate USA at no cost to any organization that adopts an Arkansas Zip Code. (Yes no matter how many households in your zip code there is no charge for Saturate USA Gospel Packets.

Saturate USA Gospel Packet

  • Plastic door hanging bag to include all gospel materials
  • DVD of Jesus Film (Book of Luke Story) for Adults, Women, and Children in 8 top languages in America. Includes QR Code to load app on Smartphone with Jesus Film movie in over 1,800 languages and other materials
  • Gospel Bible Tract (This is the content within the Bible Tract.)

saturate arkansas free packet

Saturate USA Videos
These videos are great tools to introduce Saturate USA to your pastor or your congregation. Click Here if you want to download any of these videos.

Must Watch Videos (They will bring tears of joy as you watch them.)

Sample Flyers/Letters (These are sample flyers, your organization covers the cost of your marketing materials.)

Church Info Label (Your organization covers the cost of these labels.)
We suggest placing a small address label with your church info on the Free DVD and Bible Tract. Suggest using Avery Label #18167 or Avery Label #5267/#8167

Saturating Arkansas Logistics Process-The How it is Done

Packet for Pastors

Check out FAQs regarding Saturate

Contact Creating Futures for more information or to become a Saturate Arkansas Church or ‘Great Commission Missionary’

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