There is Hope Radio
Arkansas Radio
Timeless Radio
KFFB 106.1FM

There is Hope Podcasts

There is Hope Radio

If you live in Central Arkansas you can hear There is Hope every Sunday at 9:30am on Timeless Radio KFFB 106.1FM. It is hosted by PreacherRich D (Richard Dover)

You can also listen to previous broadcasts and obtain radio show transcripts by going to You will also be able to listen to previous broadcasts when There is Hope was a live talk show.

There is Hope Blog Articles
We create a blog article for every radio show aired on 106.1. Click here to access the blog articles that also have links to the podcast and transcript.

There is Hope Radio Donations

It costs approximately $2,640 a year to cover the production of There is Hope Radio. The annual costs include $2,088 in airtime, $400 in podcast hosting, and $154 for software/equipment.
We are seeking 11 individuals who will commit to donating $20 a month to help cover costs. If we have additional subscribers we will use the funds to cover any cost increases and/or promote There is Hope.

Click on button to donate $20 a month. Your donation will be processed by PayPal but you do not have to have a Paypal account. If you click 'Subscribe' you will be automatically charged $20 a month until you cancel.(Currently donations are not tax-deductible.)

If you would like to make a one time donation of $220 to cover the cost of There is Hope Radio for one month, click on the button to donate.

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