There is Hope Radio Podcasts
There is Hope Radio Podcasts can be heard on the most popular Podcast Apps:
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YouTube Podcasts
Click Here for There is Hope Podcast Transcripts.
Listen to There is Hope Radio on this page.
There is Hope Radio
There is Hope Radio is the preaching, teaching, and interviews of PreacherRichD (Richard D. Dover).
If you live in Central Arkansas you can hear There is Hope Radio every Sunday at 9:30am on Timeless Radio KFFB 106.1FM.
You can listen to previous broadcasts and obtain radio show transcripts by going to You will also be able to listen to previous broadcasts when There is Hope Radio was a live talk show.
There is Hope Radio Blog Articles
We create a blog article for every radio show aired on 106.1. Click here to access the blog articles that also have links to the podcast and transcript.
There is Hope TV
There is Hope TV is videos of past sermons and teachings of PreacherRichD. Check them out at
There is Hope Radio Sponsor
Help There is Hope Radio stay on the air by becoming a sponsor of There is Hope Radio on Timeless KFFB 106.1 FM. The show airs throughout Central Arkansas on Sundays 9:30am-9:45am.
A sponsor would have a 30 second radio ad in the Intro and a 30 second radio ad in the Outro of the show. A total of 60 seconds of advertising. The cost would be $30 a week or only $100 a month (you save $20). After the airing of the show each Sunday your advertisement would be played in the podcast of the show if requested, at no additional charge. (That means your ad will be heard dozens of times at no charge. If interested call Rich at 501-710-4832.
Make a donation via Zelle. When you make a donation to Zelle, our ministry does not pay processing fees. (FYI, at this time your donation will not be tax-deductible.)
Use in comments put There is Hope Radio.
Make a donation via PayPal. You can make a one-time donation or subscribe to automatically make a $20 monthly donation. (FYI, at this time your donation will not be tax-deductible.) Note: You do not need to have a PayPal account to donate via credit or debit card.
Make a donation via Venmo, (FYI, at this time donations are not tax-deductible.)