A Better Place
Stop trying to comfort people with the saying “Your loved one is in a better place.” If you do not know their loved one was born again/saved, a follower of Christ, then you have no idea their eternal destiny. Without Christ their loved ones destiny is eternal punishment, that certainly is not a ‘better place’. You are being misleading and actually lying.
Bad News-Unless your loved one was born again/saved, a follower of Christ they are not in a ‘better place’. They are facing eternal punishment.
Good News-Your loved one was given the opportunity to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior to avoid eternal punishment. They may have at some point in their life, maybe on their death bed, made the decision to be born again. They and their Creator know their destiny. You can trust that the Creator of heaven and earth is a just God.
The good news for you is that you are alive. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY RIGHT NOW to determine your eternal destiny. It is not too late for you. You can have the assurance of a ‘better place”; eternal life in heaven where there is no pain, sorrow, or evil. Click Here to learn more.
A Peace That Surpasses Understanding-My Personal Story
My peace regarding my mother and father is not that they are in heaven. My peace is not that they are in a ‘better place’. My peace is that my loving God is just and gave them the opportunity to have eternal life. As far as I know they of their own free will chose to not have eternal life in heaven. But my peace is I may be surprised when I enter into heaven.
My Father
My father all his life was an atheist. I have no idea if something changed at some point in his life but all evidence is he died as an atheist.
BUT, I had the opportunity to be at my father’s death bed. He was subconscious when I saw him. I have no idea if he heard anything I said but I shared the Gospel message with him and invited him to turn his life over to Christ. I know this, if my father never had a chance to hear the Gospel he heard it that day even if in a subconscious state. My loving Heavenly Father made sure of it. If my father died as a self-willed man rejecting Christ, he died determining his own destiny.
My Mother
My mother grew up in foster homes and I know at one time she lived in a home of a pastor. She had high respect for the pastor. I am certain she heard the Gospel message. But my mother married my atheist father and I saw no evidence in our home that she was a Christian. When I became a Christian she showed no interest. After my father died I tried to share the Gospel with her. She made this very sad statement. “If your father is in hell I want to be with him.” For me, all the evidence is my mother and father are both facing eternal punishment by their own choices.
Why do I have peace that surpasses understanding? Because I trust my Heavenly Father Knows Best. I trust my Heavenly Father has done all He could to bring both of them to a saving relationship with Christ. They had the opportunity to enter into heaven through the blood of Jesus Christ. Just maybe they became born again before they passed from this earth. If not, it is because they chose to reject Christ, they did not want heaven as their home. For me, Christ is my Lord and Savior and I have the promise there is no sorrow in heaven.