
Preacher/Teacher Rich can do expository, textual, or topical preaching. He loves doing verse by verse studies of scripture and teaches how to pray through a passage of Scripture. He also enjoys topical preaching, especially on some specific topics that are listed below. (All preaching is offered on a love offering basis.)

Sermon Topics

Sadly many Christians struggle for years with unforgiveness. In this sermon Rich will talk about the harm that comes to Christians walking in bitterness and unforgiveness and how to get free.
How should we live if we are coming upon the time of the soon coming rapture of the Church?
Speaking on the judgment of God is coming and is already upon America and the need of repentance, with the hope that God will pour out His mercy and Spirit upon America.
Ann-depth look at 2 Chronicles 7, exploring the principles found in this passage regarding lining up with the will of God for His mercy and forgiveness for a family, church, or nation.
Too many times Christians focus on the 'big sins' of sinners and not the sins in their own life. In this workshop we look at the sins that easily entangle that are not normally addressed in the church environment.
This can be a sermon on the need of revival, what is needed for revival to take place, how to pray for revival. It can also be a series of revival meetings.
There is a great need for repentance. Understanding how repentance is not something to fear or dread but to embrace.
As you make changes in your life you will be on the path to be an overcoming, victorious follower of Christ. You can become more than a conqueror.
Principles are shared on how to live an overcoming, victorious Christian life.
Just before the rapture there is going to be three types of people, apostate, lost, and the Bride of Christ. Which one are you?
Many Christians do not know who they are in Christ. Thus they live a life of bondage. We share who we are in Christ.


Creating Futures has several seminars that it offers churches. They adapt the seminars for your specific needs and time frames. The seminars are from 1-2 sessions to weekend seminars. The normal format of seminars is teaching and discussion. (All seminars are offered on a love offering basis.)

Seminar Topics

Many times in a public setting there is not the time to share our testimonies. That is until now. Preacher Rich teaches how to share your testimony in 2 minutes. There is on hands training, (One session)
Harmful habits, negative thinking, and irrational feelings can all lead to sinful behavior and keep you in bondage. Bondage Breakers helps individuals to know who they are in Christ and to break free from the sin that so easily entangles. Included in the seminar is ministry time.) (This is normally a weekend seminar.)
Sadly many Christians struggle for years with unforgiveness. This seminar will help them to get free from the stronghold of bitterness and unforgiveness. In our weekend seminars there is a time of ministry. (Normally a sermon, two sessions, or weekend seminar.),
We teach how to go through the Plan of Salvation in a thorough manner and steps to ensure a greater chance of true conversions, On-hands training. (One or Two Sessions)
In this training we share a variety of ways to plant Gospel Seeds and allow time for on-hands training. (One to two sessions)
A very in-depth study of 2 Chronicles 7, exploring the principles found in this passage regarding lining up with the will of God for His mercy and forgiveness for a family, church, or nation. In this workshop there is a time of intercessory prayer. (Normally two to four sessions.)
We teach on the value of group and intercessory prayer. We share principles that help ensure an effective prayer time. There is actual prayer include in this training. (Normally two to four sessions.)
Many Christians are stuck in the past-the hurts and wounds that others have done to them or the guilt of their past. Along the way they pick up sinful behaviors, attitudes, and mindsets that put them into bondage. This is an intense seminar but very effective in helping Christians to live an overcoming, victorious life. (Weekend Seminar. We normally have a graduation ceremony during Sunday morning service.)
Share the principles that are critical for a person to have lifelong recovery from addictions, (One to two sessions.)
Too many times Christians focus on the 'big sins' of sinners and not the sins in their own life. In this workshop we look at the sins that easily entangle that are not normally addressed in the church environment. The format is teaching and discussion. (Weekend Seminar or can be done on a weekly basis for 1-2 months.)
This is an in-depth study on revival: The need of revival, what is required for revival to take place, what hinders revival, how to pray for revival. (Weekend Seminar or can be done on a weekly basis for 1-2 months.)
We do a very in-depth study of John 15:1-9 regarding the vine and the branches. Our focus is on developing intimacy in Christ and walking in obedience. (This can be a weekly Sunday School lesson or a weekend seminar.)
In this training we share how to start a Welcome Home Prodigal Ministry. The goal is to obtain the names of prodigals, create a prodigal prayer team and have a Welcome Home Party when the prodigal gets reconnected with love ones or comes out of their backslidding. (One Session)


Besides Filling the Pulpit and providing Seminars, Creating Futures works with smaller churches to help them do outreaches in their community.
More Information

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We will work with you anyway we can.
We can fine tune any sermon or workshop to fit your situation.

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