Grow in Christ

The key to a great future is getting connected with the heart of God for your life. As a spiritual mentor Preacher Rich Dover will help you have a closer walk with Jesus. Here at Creating Futures we provide a variety of resources to help you grow in Christ.

Bio/Education Experience of Preacher Rich Dover

Keys to Spiritual Fruitfulness

It is the passion of Preacher Rich to help every single human being to have an amazing future here on earth and to have eternity in heaven. As a spiritual mentor he will help you to learn how to have an intimate relationship with Father God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
The first step in growing spiritually, and to have eternal life, is to have a relationship with Father God through Jesus Christ. Preacher Rich will share with you on how to receive Jesus as your Lord & Savior. He can answer all your questions and concerns.
Every single follower of Jesus has gifts, talents, abilities that can be used for the Kingdom of God. Preacher Rich will help you to be equipped to walk in your spiritual potential.
To be able to fulfill your spiritual potential, most likely there are going to need to be changes that take place in your life. Maybe big changes. Preacher Rich will walk alongside you in the process.
As you make changes in your life you will be on the path to be an overcoming, victorious follower of Christ. You can become more than a conqueror.
As you grow in Christ you will learn that you can have joy in the midst of the toughest experiences you can imagine. Preacher Rich will help you learn how to replace happiness with joy.

How to Become Born Again

These are the basic steps to salvation-how to go to heaven.

For more detail on how to have eternal life, click here for vary helpful information.


Preacher Rich does all he can to help you to grow in Christ. Rather it is him meeting with you personally, connecting with you over the phone, video conferencing, doing Bible Studies, or providing helpful resources. (Note: All of Preacher Rich spiritual mentoring fees are based upon a love offering.)

Telephone Mentoring

Mentoring over the telephone for anyone in the United States and Canada. Contact Preacher Rich at 501-621-4642 to get more info.

On-line Video Coaching

Personalized mentoring via video with anyone worldwide. Contact Preacher Rich at 501-621-4642 to get more info.

1 to 1 coaching

Limited one-on-one mentoring for men if they live in Cleburne County or Van Buren County, Arkansas. May be available to meet with a group of men at one time in other counties in Arkansas. Contact Preacher Rich at 501-621-4642 to get more info.

Audio Conferencing Bible Studies

Preacher Rich does Bible Studies via phone. Individuals across the United States can join in on the Bible Studies by calling a phone number and entering a password. Contact Preacher Rich at 501-621-4642 to get the info.


Several of Preacher Rich sermons and teachings are available via podcasts.

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Sermon Videos

Several of Preacher Rich sermons and teachings are available via videos.

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Helpful Web Site

In His Steps web site has valuable information for atheists. agnostics, spiritual seekers, and Christians. There are several links to Gospel Presentations.

Go to In His Steps


Creating Futures Ministry has a unique relationship with RightNow Media-the largest provider of FREE Christian Bible Study videos, kids videos, and leadership videos. Any visitor of Creating Futures can receive a free RightNow subscription

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I will work with you anyway I can.
I will do whatever I can to help you grow spiritually.

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