Recently I made a re-commitment to Jesus. It was recommened that I contact PreacherRichD if I want to grow in Christ. He recommended that I watch the Bible Study called Transformed by Chip Ingram. But not only watch the Bible Study videos but do the personalized on-line training that he created to go along with the Bible Study. Each week I would watch an on-line video and then answer on-line questions. I cannot say how much this helped me in my new walk with Christ.

Before I met Preacher Rich I was addicted to meth, alcohol, and living in major sexual sin. I came to Seattle to start my life over. I started attending AA meetings. I then entered into one of Rich’s sober houses. It changed my life. I became born again and totally changed my life, I lost everything in the midst of my addiction. I have not gained it all back but I do not need it all back-I now have eternal life, a good place to live, and a good job. Plus I have the blessings to help out at my local church. Thank You Preacher Rich.

I am a Native American who grew up in boarding houses and was surrounded by alcohol. I started drinking at an early age and never, ever thought I could overcome alcohol addiction. But that all changed when I went into a faith based sober house overseen by Preacher Rich. My life has totally changed.
I know for a fact if I ever go back to drinking again, I will die at no time at all. Thankfully I have no desire to drink whatsoever. My life is a testimony of what God can do in regard to setting a person free from addiction.
Because of what God did in my life, a lifelong friend has also become addiction free.

I lived in one of the faith-based sober houses that was overseen by Preacher Rich. He was persistent in sharing the Gospel with us in the house and sharing biblical principles for recovery. Sadly, at the time I was not interested. But now, years later, I give Rich a call saying I am now sober but I know I need to have Jesus as my Lord and Savior so that I remain sober and so that I do not have just sobriety but eternal life. I am so thankful that Rich answered my phone call and all the spiritual seeds he sowed into my life.

A few years ago I moved into a sober house program with Pastor Richard Dover as the overseer. I came into the house wanting sobriety but at the same time to prove that Pastor Rich (PreacherRichD) was not real, that his belief in God was foolish, and to challenge anything he taught. But guess what? Ultimately my life became totally transformed. I now do all I can to point individuals to Jesus, letting them know that through a relationship with Jesus Christ their lives can be transformed.

I am so thankful to be able to do the customized online course titled Transformed by Chip Ingram. I can testify that my life is becoming transformed by the customized course created by Creating Futures. What makes the course special is that after each lesson I am able to go over it with PreacherRichD.
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Pastor Rich-I will never forget you sitting on the curb with me handing me a burger and talking to me about the love of Jesus. I know you knew I was high on drugs and a total hot mess, but you still spent time with me. As you after that I would do good for awhile and then go back to my addiction. I knew Jesus as my savior from hell but not my savior from drugs and not my deliverer, even though you did so much to try and get me to that point.
What you do not know is that out of my foolish I did a major crime that has gotten me a life in sentence in Walla Walla Penitentiary. BUT here is the good news. All the seeds you planted over the years has come to fruition in my life. I may have life in prison but I also have a ministry here in Walla Walla. I am helping men to come to Christ and sharing with them the principles that you shared with me that ultimately turned my life around.
God Bless you Pastor Rich

In just a few years under the teaching of Pastor Rich I have gained a tremendous hunger for the Word of God and a much clearer understanding of the Bible. I have to say I have learned more from him in a few years than I have learned under several pastors in 40 years. Even though Pastor Rich no longer pastors our church I participate in some of his audio conferencing Bible studies. (Please do not post my name.)

I am so thankful to obtain a free subscription to Rightnow Media. Running a Christian recovery program, The Bondage Breaker video series was an excellent resource to help our men understand who they are in Christ. The series gave them the tools to break free from bondages.