Bound in Sexual Addiction

When I was the outreach pastor of a church there was a gentleman (I will call him Eric) who started coming to our church. He had been backslidden but had come back to the Lord. Thus, he was born again. Because he had various addiction issues (yes, Christians can have addiction issues), I was mentoring him a regular basis. He asked if I and the Senior Pastor could have a special time of prayer with him.
When the pastor and I met with Eric, before we prayed with him we gave him some counsel on how to walk in freedom from addiction. He was very receptive. In fact, he was crying and saying he truly wanted to live a victorious Christian life. We started praying for Eric. Immediately he fell unto the floor and started slithering on the ground like a snake. My recollection is that he did not make any sounds, just was slithering on the ground. We cast out the spirit of addiction in Jesus name and he immediately became calm and motionless. A peace fell over him.
After this event, Eric still had some struggles, but he said he did not fell the bondage/controlled of sexual addiction again.
Both myself and the pastor believe he was born again. He had no doubt that he was born again. Yet when he got prayer it was as if he was being controlled by a demon. How can that be?
If Eric was born again then no demon could enter/possess his spirit. So what was going on? He was being oppressed/demonized because of the sexual addiction in his life. The evidence of this being the case was when he received prayer for deliverance a demon or demons took control of his body. BUT when they were confronted by the name of Jesus they had to leave his body.
Articles on Deliverance