Suicide-Prayer for Deliverance

Somethings to Think About
Suicide in America is on the increase. It is the 11th cause of death. 70% of suicide deaths are by White Males.
Suicide Never Addressed
In most churches the topic is never addressed, there is never going to be a call for people to raise their hand or come to the altar if they are having suicidal thoughts or considering suicide. In most American churches there is no deliverance ministry whatsoever. In fact in many American churches there is a disdain, even a hatred, to the concept of deliverance ministry.
So if a Christian or non-Christian is struggling with depression and suicidal tendencies most are not going to be delivered. Their only hope is medication and/or counseling. Which for many it is a lifelong process.
Good News
BUT there is good news. There are those who go to a church or event that believes in deliverance and they are getting set free from suicide. Is every person getting delivered? Absolutely not, but many more than those who go to a church that does not believe in deliverance or does not practice deliverance.
A person does not have to struggle with suicidal tendencies for years. A person does not have to be on depression medication for the rest of their life. A person does not have to see a counselor for years to keep from being suicidal.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit a person can be delivered from the spirit of depression and suicide. If they have a chemical imbalance the Lord God Almighty can bring balance. (There certainly are times for medication and counseling.) But it is time to acknowledge that depression and suicidal tendencies can be a spiritual issue and that even demons can be involved.
How many Christians and non-Christians are suicidal and not getting free because of a disdain of deliverance ministry? Multitudes upon multitudes. Let that sink in.
If only 10% (I believe the percentage is much higher) get set free from suicide because of deliverance prayers they certainly are thankful.
I went to the movie Domino Revival. There was around 40 people. After the movie people were asked to raise their hands if they had suicidal thoughts are suicidal. There was about 5 people. People surrounded them to pray for them. What if only one person got delivered? That is one more than what happens in a majority of churches. Those who are delivered certainly will not reject the concept of deliverance ministry.
Let it sink in. There are people who are struggling with suicide that will be in 40 or 1,000 member churches across America and for their entire life they will never ever be exposed to deliverance prayer ministry. Instead some of those people will die of suicide.
Maybe some of you need to rethink your disdain for the concept of deliverance ministry. Maybe you need to repent. Think about it. Maybe God wants to use YOU to pray for someone to be set free from the spirit of suicide. Think about it more. What if you pray for 10 people to be set free from suicide and only one get set free? That is a life saved!!!!
We can pray and do all we can to help a person get free from suicidal thoughts but they must want to be delivered. If they do not show signs of truly wanting to be free, then most likely there are under the control of a demonic influence. There may be the need to have demons cast out of them.