Donate to There is Hope Radio
It costs approximately $2,640 a year to cover the production of There is Hope Radio. The annual costs include $2,088 in airtime, $400 in podcast hosting, and $154 for software/equipment.
We are seeking 11 individuals who will commit to donating $20 a month to help cover costs. If we have additional subscribers we will use the funds to cover any cost increases and/or promote There is Hope.
Click on button to donate $20 a month. Your donation will be processed by PayPal but you do not have to have a Paypal account. If you click ‘Subscribe’ you will be automatically charged $20 a month until you cancel. (Currently donations are not tax-deductible.)
If you would like to make a one time donation of $220 to cover the cost of There is Hope Radio for one month, click on the button to donate.