Outreach Opportunities
Preacher Rich is committed to helping smaller churches to be able to reach their communities with the Gospel. The following are Outreach Opportunities.
(All ministry is done on a love offering basis)
Saturate USA-Arkansas
The goal of Saturate USA is to get the Gospel into every household in the US. Creating Futures is focusing on Arkansas, and will expand to other States.
Learn MoreEvangelism Crusade
There are a variety of options from street ministry, evening event, weekend event, or a combination. The type of event is determined by your church location, your goals, and what will the most effective outreach.
Gas Buydown
This is a great outreach to help your local community to become aware of your church or to promote a special event you are having at your church. At a local gas station you pump gas for the customers for 2 hours. During that time you hand out flyers, share 2-minute testimonies, pray for people and give each customer .25 for each gallon of gas they purchase. Many times individuals are shocked that a church is giving out money instead of asking for donations and some people still donate money to the church to help cover the cost of the outreach. The cost for this outreach is normally $50-$200 based upon how many customers.
Are You Going to Heaven?
This outreach is done in an outdoor venue. An Are You Going to Heaven? booth is set up in a parking lot, park, or a community fair. At the booth the Gospel is shared. This outreach is especially effective with elementary age children.
Street Ministry
Go out into the community handling out Bible Tracts and sharing the Gospel,
Vacation Bible School. Many smaller churches cannot put on a VBS because they do not have enough volunteers. If your church has children and you know you could reach more children and families in your community if you had a VBS Creating Futures will obtain volunteers from other churches to help you hold a VBS.
Tell us how we can help
We will work with you anyway we can.
We can fine tune any outreach to fit your situation.