Saturate Arkansas
Saturate Edgemont, AR
Saturate Fairfield Bay, AR
Saturate Greers Ferry, AR
Saturate Heber Springs, AR
Saturate Ida/Tumbling Shoals, AR
Saturate Prim, AR

Check Out Saturate Arkansas

Saturate USA

Saturate USA is a God-sized vision to take the love of the Gospel to 120 million households by the end of 2027. The hope is to spark true repentance and revival in America.

How Accomplished
The way this is accomplished is providing each household with a Door Hanger Packet that includes Three Jesus Films on DVD, link to iPhone/Android App that has multitudes of Gospel movies in a variety of languages, and a Bible Tract. All of this is provided at no charge-absolutely free, plus your church can add resources in the Door Hanger Packet.

The Steps
1. Adopt-Adopt a zip code to saturate.
2. Receive all Door Hanger Packet materials free of charge including shipping.
3. Assemble-Assemble all the materials including your church literature.
4. Saturate-Using Saturate USA provided maps deliver the Packets to each household.

For all the details  go to

Creating Futures-PreacherRichD-Saturate USA

preacherrichd richard dover miracleRichard Dover (PreacherRichD) was involved in a vehicle accident where he hit two horses at 58mph. His only injury was a swollen hand with a total of 12 stitches on two fingers and a bruised eye. No other injuries or symptoms whatsoever. (Other than covered with the contents of the horse’s stomach.) He believes he survived the accident and did not have any life altering injuries for one main purpose, to work with Saturate USA to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the cities of Fairfield Bay, Greers Ferry, and Heber Springs, Ida, Tumbling Shoals, Arkansas. From there focusing on cities throughout Arkansas, Memphis, TN, and other cities throughout America.

Rich is working with pastors throughout Arkansas and other States. If you would like to partner with us to help get the Gospel into every home in Arkansas, or another city, Click Here.

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