Deliverance from the Demonic

A friend who attended my church in Seattle and who knew the ministry I had in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle sent me a link to this video. In their message to me they said this sermon by Pastor Ben Dixon of Northwest Foursquare Church sounded very close to the teachings I have given in regard to Demonization. As I watched the video I was shocked to see how similar to my perspective is Pastor Dixon’s sermon on demon possession and on Mark 5:1-20. It could be me preaching the sermon.
What was also interesting is that I have had some similar experiences as Pastor Dixon. That is the other reason my friend asked me to watch the sermon.
Rather than be redundant I will just share a few comments I would add to what Pastor Dixon said in his sermon, actually very similar to what he said.
It is immaterial if a person who is demonized has a demon in them, on their shoulder, close by, etc. In other words, the focus is not the location of a demon(s). What matters is the person is being demonized and they need to be set free-DELIVERED. A Christian may not be possessed by a demon(s) but they certainly can be in bondage and demonized.
In the story of the demoniac in Mark 5:1-20, there is something that stands out and cannot be missed. The man in the story had a minimum of 2,000 demons, yet all those demons could not stop him from running to Jesus and bowing at his feet. If a person wants to be set free, Satan himself cannot stop them from being delivered. Why? Because the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is greater than Satan.
I encourage you to watch this sermon/teaching by Pastor Dixon. It is very balanced, addresses the extremism on the topic of demons, gives practical information on how to deal with the demonic, and gives hope for anyone who is being demonized.
Timing of friend’s message to me. I am ministering to someone who is a born again Christian and is suicidal, literally has a death wish and believes he knows how he will die. As I have been seeking the Lord how to minister to him, it became clear to me after visiting with him and praying that he has much more than depression, He is being demonized. I am praying he will want to be set free.