The Dovers LCO Mission Trip

Lac Courte Oreilles (LCO) Reservation Mission Trip
Carmi and I are going back to the LCO Indian Reservation in Couderay, WI. (Our first time was with 37 people from our church, Greers Ferry Assembly of God Church.) We will be leaving Sept 5 and arriving home around Sept 22.
Our plans are to meet with various tribal leaders, continue our interaction with local pastors, do one-on-one and street ministry, home visitation, provide addiction recovery counseling, do inner healing and deliverance ministry, follow up (there will be an evangelist one weekend), and some building reorganization at the LCO Assembly of God church.
More than anything else we want to give hope, there is such hopelessness on the reservation. May they truly see the hope of the Gospel.
Great News
It is has been confirmed that Ed Sam will be joining us in ministry. Ed is a Native American gentleman that came to one of our sober houses in Seattle as an alcoholic, but now has over 10 years of sobriety.
Our Financial Needs
We are doing all we can to keep expenses as low as possible. We are going to be able to stay at a cabin on the reservation at no charge-praise God. But we would want to give a love offering.
A. Love Offering for free cabin-$100
B. Two nights lodging while traveling to and from the reservation: $200
C. Meals while traveling: $50
D. Fuel: $200
E. Roundtrip Airfare for Ed: $300
F. Marketing expenses: $100
G. Sealant for new decking at the chuch: $250
H. Additional funds to help those who are in need to pay utility bills or other expenses:???
Any additional funds will go towards this.
Grand Total: $1,100
Ways to Give:
If you need to receive a tax-deductible receipt, you can make a donation online at Greers Ferry Assembly of God Church, choose Love Offering option, in the Add a Message put The Dovers.
Thank you in advance for any donation.
Prayer Needs:
Many of the Native Americans on the LCO Reservation are very wounded, broken people. Many, or their relatives, have experienced much wounding from unbiblical Christianity. Many have suffered physical, emotional, and/or physical abuse. Many have addictions. Many are living at poverty level. Besides salvation, they need HOPE.
A. Pray for divine guidance.
B. Pray for the favor of God and the favor of man.
C. Pray for the anointing of God
D. Pray for signs and wonders to accompany the preaching of the Word.
E. Pray for protection.
F. Pray for direction regarding the future.
Rich & Carmi Dover
It was our goal for Rich to get a part-time job in Sept to keep us from drawing from savings to cover monthly expenses. So it was very hard for use to make the decision to do this missions trip. But there have been too many confirmations that it is God’s will. So, once again, we live by faith.