Ministering, Preaching, and Teaching

Carmi and I are amazed at the hunger and thirst that we are seeing from the Christians we are meeting here on the LCO Reservation. They are wanting to see the Body of Christ unite together for sake of souls. They are wanting to see a Move of God on the Reservation. They are hungry to learn about spiritual warfare. They know the answer to the backslidden state of so many Christians on the Reservation is inner healing and deliverance. They know that there is a demonic hold on the Reservation.
Every activity that we go to, the person holding the event is asking Rich to teach even though they have someone teaching. (It is clear that we need to be ready in season and out of season.) Part of that is the culture, like many other cultures, they want to honor the ‘man of God’ and want to receive what God has given him. Much different than much of the ‘Caucasian Culture’.
Rich has shared at a Friday night recovery meeting, Ed also shared his testimony and did a great job. (Ed has been connecting with the men at the various meetings we have been attending on the Reservation at LCO Assembly of God Church.) At a home group Rich shared on generational sin and curses. Rich preached Sunday morning on the “The Transforming Power of the Love of Christ”. Afterwards there was a potluck and then Rich taught on “How to Share Your Testimony in Two Minutes”. (There is a strong desire to learn more about sharing the Gospel.) (We have adapted easily with meetings starting later than scheduled and going much longer than planned.)
Carmi has been connecting with the women and being the prayer warrior that God has gifted her to be for the Kingdom. As of now we have around 5 families that want us to come to their homes to minister to them.
We keep hearing from individuals that what we are sharing is exactly what needs to be heard. We have individuals that are not fully living for Christ telling us they want to receive ministry to help them overcome the ‘sins that so easily entangle them’. It is very clear that there are individuals that have a call of God on their life but they need inner healing so that they can be truly effective for the Kingdom.
We keep being asked if we will stay longer than two weeks. They see our passion for the people of LCO and they feel God has sent us to do ministry here on the Rez. For us, we just are looking at things one day at a time.