Worship Prayer Ministry at LCO

For the next few days we are having nights of Worship, Prayer, and Ministry at LCO Assembly of God Church. This is a time for individuals to grow closer to Christ, receive special prayer, and a time for the Holy Spirit to work on the hearts of those who attend.
We have seen the Lord to many things in Arkansas with our Weekly Tuesday Night ministry times and trusting him to do the same here at LCO.
Just received a call that someone is bringing over someone who is deep in the midst of addiction and demon possessed. Carmi and I both believe if we were to be here longer, that would a common situation. Much different than in Greers Ferry where we live. There is much more desperation in this region.
PS The individual who may become the pastor of LCO Assembly of God Church asked if Carmi and I would consider staying longer to help with the ministry. At this point in time as much as we feel a burden for the church and the community we are not feeling led to take that giant step.