Hope, Love and Forgiveness

When Carmi and I made the decision to do ministry on LCO Reservation I felt our main goal should be to bring hope, to show love and share on forgiveness, believing both concepts can bring transformation. I felt strongly that the love of Christ will compel individuals to draw closer to Jesus and others and that there needs to be an understanding to receive Jesus’ forgiveness and for a spirit of forgiveness to come upon the land.
Last night I was told the following by someone who works within the Tribal Community. He had no idea how significant his words would be to me. He said, “I try to connect with you people to minister to because I see you operating in the realm of what is so needed on our reservation-love and forgiveness. I believe that the door is open wide for you because of your heart. Our people have no comprehension of love and how to walk in forgiveness. We need what you have to offer, you give hope.” Talk about confirmation.
I told him that my struggle is that I know for us to be effective on the reservation with the Traditional Native People is to have long term relationships with them, not just a few days. That is why we have focused to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry, since we are not here on the Rez long term.
As we get ready to leave it is very hard on me. I see the hunger, I see the need. I was told some people would like us to stay and be pastors of the LCO Church. That is not feasible for many reasons. What is the next step? I do not know. This I know, we are at some crossroads.
This I know. Our ministry is called Creating Futures because we are in it for the long term whatever ‘it’ is. We are committed to see positive futures in the lives of those that the Lord puts into our life.
We were told that the people of LCO Assembly of God were shocked that we really did come back. So many come to ministry on the reservation but never come back. We will certainly be back again. The work has not been finished.