LCO Reservation-Our Future

Now that we are back at home in Greers Ferry, AR people are asking what are our future plans regarding LCO. Actually, before we ever left the people at LCO were asking us what are our future plans. More than that, we had several tell us what they would like our plans to be.
It was, and is clear, that we have much favor with the people at LCO Assembly of God and those who attend other churches that came to the meetings at LCO A of G. They are hoping we will not be gone for very long. Others had asked if we would consider pastoring at the church since they are looking for a new pastor. There may also be an opening for us to pastor at another church at LCO.
As of now we have no plans to be involved in pastoral minister or any long term commitment. However, we will continue to stay in long distance contact with various individuals, and will continue to be an encouragement to Pastor Debbie of LCO A of G as they are in the process of obtaining a new pastor.
Along with the need of a pastor for LCO and potentially another church (at least for a short period of time) there clearly is the need for a truly faith-based recovery ministry that includes sober housing. There also is a great need for outreach ministry, ongoing one-on-one spiritual counseling, ongoing training seminars.
All of the above Carmi and I are more than equipped to do, but we as of now we have no leading from the Lord to go back to LCO anytime soon to do any of the above. in fact, not even sure if we are to go back to the area. There are a variety of known and unknown factors that limit us from making any commitment. Also, we are very aware it was a ‘honeymoon’ time for us in regard to ministry. There are some serious issues on the reservation and if we was to go back they would need to be addressed. We will always stand for what is right in the eyes of the Lord. (We have been asked to come back in late January, we have not made a decision yet.)
There is certainly the need for workers. Our friend Ed was of great help to us. If we were to go back we would most likely want to bring a few people with us even if they were at LCO short term and we were more long term.
I will say that for now it seems as if there is much more opportunity for us to minister at LCO then here in Greers Ferry area. I say this because there is much more of a hunger at LCO for the giftings that both are gifted in by the Lord. The doors continue to be open wide for us in regard to ministry at LCO.
Our Decision
As of now we are putting LCO on hold. There are situations at the churches in LCO that need to be worked out, there may be major leadership changes. Financially we are need of earning extra income for at least a few months. We are watching to see if more doors open up for ministry in Greers Ferry area. We are not clear of what the Lord has for us here in Greers Ferry.
Please pray that Carmi and I will be lead by the Lord, not by our flesh or our own desires. Please pray that we will be obedient to whatever the Lord may speak to us. Please pray we will walk in faith.