What If? Part Three

It is clear that rubbing shoulders with people who are different than us is not part of our culture. It is clear that unless we make the conscious, determined choice to rub shoulders with those unlike us, it is not going to happen. It is clear that if we are going to minister to the ‘unlovely’, the brokenhearted, the discouraged, the confused, the messed up, it is going to require us reaching out to them, not expecting them to come to us.
It is clear that as followers of Christ we need to find opportunities, create opportunities, create safe environments to be able to connect with individuals who need to experience the love of Christ but would most likely never walk into a church. What if we did this? Our actions would show we really do care about the lost, the backslidden, the hurting. Is it not time the body of Christ become the Church?
As Christ followers let’s find every means possible to rub shoulders with those who would never imagine they would be rubbing shoulders with us.
Lord God Almighty break our heart for those who see us as enemies. Those who have a disdain for us. Help us to find ways for them to see us not as haters, but as those who love them in natural day to day settings. Give us wisdom and divine insight in Jesus Name.
In my next article I will share some ideas of what we can do to rub shoulders with those different than us.