The Unloving Spirit

At the For My Life Retreat sponsored by Be in Health, they talk about the UNLOVING SPIRIT. They describe the unloving spirit as a spirit that attaches itself to us making us feel self-rejected, unclean, unworthy, do not measure up, and it wants us to reject ourselves and who we are as a person. The concept is we end up not loving ourselves, which will result in not receiving love or giving love.
Some people will debate if there is an actual spirit or a mindset, but at the end of the day what matters most is to make sure your life is not being controlled by an UNLOVING SPIRIT, and if it is, to be set free. Many times an UNLOVING SPIRIT comes from not being loved in our family, or us perceiving we were not loved. If we had a Father that did not express love, we can interpret that to mean Father God does not love us. Healing can come to us as we understand the LOVE of FATHER GOD.
We are clearly not to love ourselves in an unhealthy, prideful manner. We are clearly not to put ourselves above others in the mindset of ‘we are better than.’ We are clearly called to be self-sacrificial at times. But none of this means we are to harm, punish, disdain ourselves. Anybody who has lived that way understands how damaging such mindsets can be and they certainly do not make a person more whole, these mindsets can destroy those who have these mindsets.
We are called/commanded to love our neighbors as thyself. That is impossible to do if you hate yourself.
37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:37-40
Evidence of an Unloving Spirit
There are over 50 different attitudes/mindsets that can give evidence if a person has an UNLOVING SPIRIT, here are some:
Self-bitterness, self-unforgiveness, self-resentment, self-hatred, self-sabotage, self-consciousness, guilt shame, condemnation, perfectionism, performance orientation, consumed with fear, victimization.
The Love of the Father
Scripture makes it clear that Father God loves His Creation, He calls it good in Genesis. We are His creation. More importantly we need to know He loved you so much that He sent Jesus to be our Redeemer. We need to remind ourselves that as followers of Christ we are more than His Creation, we are His sons and daughters. Only a wicked father despises or hates his children. A good father loves his children in spite of them. Our Heavenly Father loves us in spite of us. You are GOOD ENOUGH in the eye of the Father.
If we are being controlled by an UNLOVING SPIRIT, and agreeing with it, we are calling God a fool and a liar. We are saying that God the Father is wrong in loving and cherishing us. We are saying His Word-JESUS, was wrong in dying for us. If we have an UNLOVING SPIRIT we need to renounce it and repent for participating with it.
In my next article I am going to post my own personal experience of living a life controlled by an UNLOVING SPIRIT. It is by the grace of God I am alive. Thankfully I realized this long ago, but the Be in Health teaching has been very helpful for me to be more alert when the UNLOVING SPIRIT still tries to come into my life.
I am sharing my perspectives, I am not speaking for, or representing Be in Health. I may not be clearly representing the teachings of Be in Health. I suggest you go to their website and read their publications to clearly understand their teachings. Also, because I am sharing their teachings does not mean I am in agreement with all of their teachings. Last point-I am certainly not giving medical advice, only sharing ideas.
Our goal in sharing these principles is to hopefully help Create an environment/atmosphere/mindset for individuals to have a more healthy Future-Creating Futures.
Be in Health and Overcomers Community.