Why does it seem like Being a Jerk is now acceptable in today’s American Culture? More importantly why is it that it seems that it is now acceptable among Christians? I believe there are multiple reasons why it is
Somethings to Think AboutSuicide in America is on the increase. It is the 11th cause of death. 70% of suicide deaths are by White Males.
Suicide Never AddressedIn most churches the topic is never addressed, there
A good friend asked me what they thought was probably a very simple question. I gave them a simple answer. But the truth is the question was not simple and the answer absolutely was not simple to answer, it
When I was the outreach pastor of a church there was a gentleman (I will call him Eric) who started coming to our church. He had been backslidden but had come back to the Lord. Thus, he was born
True StoryI knew a gentleman (will call him Jim) who previously was a drug addict that became born again. He was a faithful follower of Jesus for several years. Because of an incident in his life, he developed a
STIRRING THE POTChristians Praying Together
Every Christian believes in the concept of prayer. Many Christians believe in some form of public prayer and some form of intercessory prayer. Thus most Christians believe Christians should pray together.
In my previous article titled Why Corporate Prayer? I shared that Corporate Prayer is biblical and the value of Corporate Prayer. So, if Corporate Prayer is biblical and has value why is that most Christians do not participate in
Some Christians will say “We are already praying, why does there need to be corporate praying?” Or they may say “Since I am praying at home I do not need to be a part of corporate prayer?”. A legitimate
In the world, in the realm of the lost (unsaved) we are seeing more and more unity for the things of Satan. But what about the Body of Christ? Are we seeing peace, love, unity among Christians or are
Because the phrase blessing is tied to the extreme, out of balance, prosperity message many Christians swing the pendulum too far and totally ignore the truth that God’s heart is to bless His children. What that looks like is