Truth and LOVE-Offended

Legalism and Religion
Some of the people who have gotten offended and say they will never enter a church building again are those who have attended legalistic churches and see God as rigid, judgmental, condemning, mean, all about rules. You can never be good enough to please God. Some of them have been truly wounded by churches and Christians. Because this is their only experience they see all churches and Christians as this way.
Lack of a Loving Father
Some of these individuals did not have a loving earthly father or a condemning father. They are dealing with a spirit of being unloved. They feel they are never good enough. It can create an attitude of being defensive and getting easily offended. So instead of being convicted by the Word of God they are easily offended. If they had a demanding father they can have a disdain of anything that appears authoritative, which can lead to a rebellious spirit.
These individuals can have a hard time receiving correction. thus get easily offended or angry. They can have bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, self hatred, self pity. The end result is they have some form of dis-ease. Thus their interaction with people can be very dysfunctional, or they are attracted to dysfunctional people which results in more offense. If they can face these issues in their life they can be healed.
Truth and LOVE
This DIS GROUP of individuals need to be exposed to a Christian environment that helps them to understand the Truth that our Heavenly Father is a God of love, that Jesus the Word reflects the character of the Father, and that encountering the presence of God through the Holy Spirit can heal their brokenness. They can become more whole.
As they become more whole they can learn how to apply the principle of separation. They can love people and themselves in spite of what they and others do, just like our Heavenly Father loves all of us in spite of what we do. As healing comes they become more open to the concept of attending a local church for fellowship and to be used by God to help others. But as long as they only blame others for all that happens to them they most likely will never be healed. So at the end of the day it is their choice if they will see all Christians and churches as bad or if they are able to separate the good from the bad. They need to remind themselves they have not arrived and to expect others to be perfect is irrational and unhealthy.