Spiritual Warfare Prayer

There is much anger, hatred, divisiveness in our culture. There is much rebellion towards the things of God, and God Almighty. To the point that people are not ashamed of their ungodly behavior and blatantly embrace the demonic realm. Unless there is a change there will come a strong judgment from God upon our Land. Thus there is a great need for prayer in our homes, communities, in our nation.
Looking to people, political parties, or government for answers is ultimately futile. All of these entities will fall short. Plus there will be sin, ungodly character, impure motives put in the mix when we look to people. Our hope is in the sovereign Lord. Our only hope is a move of God through the power of prayer.

Standing in the Gap
We need more than prayer. We need Intercessory Prayer. We need Spiritual Warfare Prayer. Prayer that destroys satanic strongholds. Prayer that moves mountains. Prayer that changes lives and communities.
It is time for the Body of Christ to Stand in the Gap for their families, communities, and nation.
Creating Futures and Standing in the Gap
Creating Futures believes that Biblical Intercessory Prayer and Spirit-Filled Worship can bring positive change in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and nations. Standing in the Gap is the prayer ministry of Creating Futures. The goal of Standing in the Gap is to unite all who believe prayer is one of the key components to solve our societal problems.
Standing in the Gap desires to create environments for Christians to gather together to participate in Worship and Intercessory Prayer. Venues for community-wide worship and prayer. Venues where the Spirit of God is allowed to rule and reign.
The Lord has put it on the heart of PreacherRichD and his wife Carmi to focus on community-wide prayer and worship in the Fairfield Bay/Greers Ferry region of Arkansas. Especially, Fairfield Bay. One of the main reasons is because anybody that lives in the area knows there is much division, drama, conflict in Fairfield Bay, even among Christians. To the point that Christians are manifesting very ungodly behavior, expressing hate toward other Christians, to the point of judging motives and hearts of others. Overall poor reflections of Christ. Plus there are some demonic influences in Fairfield Bay. The solution???? Spiritual Warfare Prayer. Prayer against deception and the principalities, powers, and spirits of darkness over the region. The solution???? Lifting up the Name of Jesus in worship and prayer. Inviting the Holy Spirit to reign over Fairfield Bay, Greers Ferry, and the surrounding region. PS People are not the enemy, Satan is the enemy.
What has been described in regard to the community of Fairfield Bay is taking place throughout communities in our nation. It is taking place among Christians throughout our nation. There is a great need for Intercessory Prayer for America and the American Church.
Prayer in Fairfield Bay
As a start we are offering two opportunities for Worship and Prayer in Fairfield Bay.
Standing in the Gap
Worship and Prayer
Tuesday Nights 6:30pm-7:15pm
Springs Fairfield (Indian Rock Retirement Center)
265 Dave Creek Parkway, Fairfield Bay, AR
Our focus this night is to provide a time of Worship for the residents of Indian Rock Village Retirement Center and to pray for those who attend. Many times Seniors are forgotten. This is a time to love on them. This worship & prayer time is also open to the general public. We meet at the Library. (It is located to the right of the main doors, you will see our Prayer Banner outside at the entrance.)
Standing in the Gap
Saturday Nights 6:30pm-7:30pm
130 Village Pl, Unit 1 F-Fairfield Bay, AR
(Blue building in Towne Center where Village Market and City Hall is located. We are downstairs next to ATV Encounters of Fairfield Bay.)
Our focus this night is Spiritual Warfare Prayer. This is a Community-Wide Prayer Time. The focus will be prayer with some worship to help enhance prayer. This is for those who have desire for a time of intense prayer-Spiritual Warfare Prayer. This will also be a time to pray for the sick (spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically).
Community Wide Worship Times
It is our goal to have some community wide Praise & Worship times in Fairfield Bay and Greers Ferry. Before this can happen, we need the Lord to bring gifted singers and musicians to the ministry. Individuals who feel called to take worship outside the church walls.
If you would like more information on our prayer times, or would like to help building a worship team, contact Rich at 1-866-WANTGOD (1-866-926-8463)
Creating Futures wants to make it clear that the purpose for these worship and prayer times is for that purpose alone. Creating Futures founders, Rich & Carmi Dover are not residents or voters in the City of Fairfield Bay or City of Greers Ferry, we have no political agenda. There may be individuals that come to pray that have opposing political views. We say praise God they are coming to pray. If you are a Christ Follower and you are not willing to pray with those whom you may disagree with, this venue is not for you. FYI, Rich & Carmi refuse to get involved in political conversations or any of the pettiness that is occurring in Fairfield Bay and other cities. If we interact with those involved politically, if we ask questions about the drama taking place, it is to gain insight, to understand the community, to know what to pray. However, at times we may take a stand against blatant evil.