Fairfield Bay-What is Next

Standing in the Gap is the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of Creating Futures, focused on Fairfield Bay, Arkansas, but not Fairfield Bay alone. We pray for individuals, pray for churches, pray for Fairfield Bay and other communities, plus pray for America. But yes, our main focus is Fairfield Bay because of the leading of the Lord. Standing in the Gap has Intercessory Prayer on Tuesdays at 4:45pm and Saturdays at 5:30pm. We also do worship and prayer at The Springs (previously Indian Rock Village) on Tuesdays at 6pm.
What is Next?
We have a time slot of Tuesdays or Thursdays at 12:30pm available for ministry in Fairfield Bay, Arkansas. What type of ministry should we offer? Options:
-Intercessory Prayer: Add an additional prayer time that is in the daytime so there is more access for those who want to join in Intercessory Prayer.
-Movie and Discussion: Show a faith based movie and have discussion afterwards.
-Moving Beyond the Past Bible Study: Offer a 12-week course on Moving Beyond the Past.
-Is there a form of ministry that we are missing?