Trumpeters and Ukraine-Christians and Ukraine
Trumpeters and Ukraine-Christians and Ukraine
Ukrainians are losing their property, their Country and their lives. Many of them are fellow believers in Christ. Others are lost and going to hell if they die.
Do you care more about your Trumpeter agendas/rhetoric and your hatred of Biden than you do lives and souls?
Why do I ask? Because if you spent as much time, and more time, praying and interceding for Ukraine as you do on Trump and Biden, God could do some amazing miracles in Ukraine. He moves based upon the prayers of the saints.
Do you care more about your conspiracy theories, your 2024 agenda, your addiction to Trump than spreading the Gospel and winning souls?
Why do I ask? Because if you and the ‘Christian’ talking heads fill up Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, airwaves, with your STUFF more than with the Gospel. Your stuff at the end of the day will not save America or Ukraine.
BTW the Great Commission is about winning souls and discipling them, not looking to political answers to spiritual problems.
Ukrainians are known to be deep followers of Christ. There has been revival taking place in the Ukraine. This ultimately is not about Trump and Biden and what they would, or are doing. It is about Satan using Putin for his agenda-to stop the move of God. (He will lose in the end. Revival comes out of persecution.
How about joining forces with God and His holy angelic army by standing in the gap for Ukraine? Post prayers for Ukraine, not conspiracy theories, bitching, and moaning. But the STUFF aside for awhile.
You do know God can defeat Russia in 7 days through the empowering of our prayers.
Take Note
This post is not saying politics, government policies, etc are not important. It is not about Trump or Biden. What it is about is that the Bible makes it clear there is something more important-praying for our leaders, praying for brothers and sisters in the Lord, asking God to do the supernatural.
PS Guess what? God can even use President Biden. FYI the economic sanctions are having an effect.
#PreacherRich D
PSS America should do ALL that the King of kings wants America to do, not what each of us may want it to do. It can happen if we pray.
Christians-Instead of listening to talking heads how about listening to men of God?
Balanced Approach Regarding Physical Action and Prayer
Spiritual Perspective on Ukraine Crisis from Pastor Living There