Be in Health-Day One
Be in Health-For My Life Retreat-Day One
Today was like being in full-time Bible College. We had five classes: Foundational Insights, Father’s Love, 7 Steps to Sin, 8 R’s to Freedom, Godly Order. Much of the information was not new to Carmi and I, especially since Carmi is reading the book A More Excellent Way. But the teachings were great reminders, and there was some very insightful information we learned.
I strongly believe that in order for a person to see healing in all realms of their life they need to get to root issues. In the Foundational Insights class this became abundantly clear in regard to sickness and disease. Both Carmi and I are convinced that yes, sickness and disease is part of the fall of man, but that Jesus sacrifice purchased healing for us. Thus as followers of Christ we do not need to be overwhelmed with disease, and if we are, there most likely is sin as a root cause, open door to sickness and disease.
The Father’s Love class gave great insight in regard to the Godhead, Father God, God the Word that became flesh-Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. It is very evident that for 70%-80% of individuals, including Christians, there is an open door for the enemy because of broken hearts that have been damaged, rejected, abused, or victimized by an earthly father. There was some powerful ministry time after this class.
The 7 Steps to Sin class confirmed what I say all the time, we do not go from temptation immediately to sin. There are steps long the way, plenty of opportunity to avoid sin.
The 8 R’s to Freedom class was especially helpful. If we want to walk in freedom if we have fallen into sin, we must do more than repent. Otherwise we will fall right back into the same sin again.
The Godly Order class was very insightful in regard to what happened with the fall of man and what happens when the principle of Godly Order is not followed in the home.
So the subject matter for the first day of the For My Life Retreat was great. The one ‘complaint’ that Carmi and I have is that overall the speakers themselves are ‘boring’, they need more energy, it makes the day longer.
We are excited what we are going to learn on Day Two.