Be in Health-Dover Perspectives
Be in Health: For My Life Retreat and Walk Out Workshop
My wife Carmi and I spent two weeks at Be in Health in Thomaston, GA. We assumed it would be a great experience for us, and we were not wrong. We are very thankful for the City of Refuge, an once a year event, that allows individuals to attend at a minimal cost (or we would not have been able to attend-the timing was perfect).
I believe one of the reasons the last two weeks have been beneficial to us is because we had already been exposed to several of the concepts that were shared-so we were open minded and receptive. Another reason is because we came to not only experience healing in our lives, but to gain more insight on how to minister to others, especially those who have much ‘baggage’ in their life. (We found out we had more baggage in our life than we realized.)
In next few weeks Carmi and I will be sharing individually our impressions, perspectives, insights, and revelations regarding the teachings of the retreat and Workshop. We are doing this for several reasons:
- To Walk Out what we have learned by journaling on this blog
- Hopefully encourage and give hope to others to get healing in every area of their life
- To let others know about the ministry of Be in Health.
- To see if there is an interest to learn about the healing principles found in Scripture.
If you are interested in spiritual healing of emotions, mind, relationships, and body, I would encourage you to follow our postings.