WHO- Walk It Out
Recently my wife Carmi and I have had the opportunity to apply the principle of WHO in regard to the behavior of someone we have been close to for around 13 years. This is a person who most would have written off if they had met him 13 years ago. This is a person who has rough edges to this day but we have treated them as part of our family. To keep things confidential we will not share the details but will just say that we have loved on this person regardless of how they related to us at times-as if we are enemies of them. We have separated them from the words they have spoken or the behavior they manifested. We have always believed that they have had a thankful and good heart overall. Even though they have never said they are sorry for their behavior we have forgiven them and we know that in their heart they are sorry for their words and behavior.
In the last two weeks this person has gotten in their head that we made a conscious decision to take advantage of them, to rip them off over the last few years. They have broadcasted this to others. They have gone overboard to attack us. No matter how rational we are with them they are irrational. To the point we may have to do more than separate their behavior from who they are as a person. It looks like we have to separate from them in every realm-not have any interaction with them whatsoever.
In the midst of all of this Carmi and I started asking ourselves, WHO is speaking. This has to be more than this person. WHO has planted seeds in his mind. We can think of one person but realize the WHO is more than this person. WHO has created such hatred in them. It is more than them. WHO is wanting to create division between us and them. The WHO is evil spirits. The ultimate WHO is Satan.
So why is all this happening? Of course we do not know what is going on behind the scenes or in the spiritual realm. But we do know that Satan is the enemy of our souls. We do know that Carmi and I are the only two people that has been with this person through the thick and then through the last 13 years. Many distance themselves from him because of his behavior-never know how he is going to act. We know that his bitterness, resentment, hatred, self-pity, etc is being used by the devil to affect his health. Needless to say in the last few weeks his health is much worse. We also know that one of the other reasons this is happening is to give us the opportunity to implement the WHO principle in regard to our friend who clearly wants to be our enemy at this point in time.
Because we know WHO is behind all this and WHY it is happening, we can use wisdom in regard to separation. We may have to separate ourselves from this individual for a period of time because it is too unhealthy for us personally, but it does not mean we stop loving and caring for this person. It means we stand in the gap for them. It means we pray that if we are to no longer be in their life that the Lord will bring someone else into their life. It means we do not get distracted by what is happening, we cannot let this get us sidetracked. It means we do not let what this person does affect our own personal well being. We make sure we do not let dis-ease come into our life.
Walk it Out
I want to encourage all who are reading this to practice living a life of asking yourself WHO is behind what a person is doing and to separate the person from their behavior. It will help you live a more healthy life. For some of you it will mean the difference between health or dis-ease. To learn more about these concepts and others, check out the links below.
In my next post I will be sharing my personal perspective of how to keep the concept of Separation balanced. People are absolutely responsible for their actions and behavior in spite of WHO is the WHO. They do not and should not get a free pass in regard to any sinful behavior.