WHO?????? This is a very important question to ask ourselves. Something we should do several times a day.
And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?”
Genesis 3:11
Two concepts that Be in Health teaches that I found as being very significant are WHO and Separation. I have already shared some about Separation, the principle of separating people from what they say, realizing that many times it is an evil spirit speaking through them or an evil spirit speaking to you. Your piercings, wounds, scars can influence what you are hearing. The WHO concept is to be alert to WHO is speaking to you.
We know that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. (Revelation 12:10) Thus we know that Satan has nothing good to say about us. We know that Satan desires to still, kill, destroy. (John 10:10) So the concept of WHO is that we need to be aware that many times what we are hearing is from Satan. When you hear you are not good enough you need to ask yourself WHO is that coming from? It may well be you heard that from your parents all your life, but WHO is behind what they were saying. When things go bad the thought may come to your mind things always go bad for the Dover family. Who is behind that thought? Satan. I will always be a drug addict. Again, Satan.
Ask WHO and Implement Separation
Be at Health teaches that we should ask WHO is speaking and to practice Separation. Let me share a practical way of implementing this principle, a personal experience. I had a person make some horrific accusations against me. If they had been believed, it would have caused me much pain and hardship in every realm of my life. Thankfully nothing came of their accusations. But I had a choice to forgive them and move on or to hold hatred towards them and attempt to ruin their life. This is what I did instead. I said to myself, “I know they are a very wounded person. I know they have mental health issues. I know they are a person who has been abused in many ways. I feel sorry for them. It is clear that the devil was trying to use them to destroy me and the church I was pastoring. I am going to separate what they said (in reality the devil was speaking through them) from who they are as a person. I certainly do not trust them, but I forgive them.
What if I had not forgiven this person? What if I had played the tape over and over again that they are evil and tried to figure out a way to punish them for lying? I would be a poor witness for Christ, it would have affected my spiritual growth. Their actions would haunt me mentally. I would have had anxiety, stress, and other physical symptoms. I would have become physically unhealthy. I would have opened myself up to dis-ease. How many people are walking around with sickness and disease because of years of unforgiveness.
You want to be healthy in all realms of your life? Practice the principles of WHO and Separation.
Carmi and I are implementing more and more of the WHO and Separation in our relationship. See will be sharing her personal story of struggling with the concept of Separation.
All of the above perspectives are my personal interpretation of what is taught by Be in Health.
Be in Health and Overcomer’s Community