Prayer is communication with God. It is simply talking to Him, sharing your heart and requests with Him. Intercessory prayer is when you specifically pray on behalf of someone else.
Intercession MeaningThe Hebrew “paga” means “to fell,” or
In my previous article titled Why Corporate Prayer? I shared that Corporate Prayer is biblical and the value of Corporate Prayer. So, if Corporate Prayer is biblical and has value why is that most Christians do not participate in
Some Christians will say “We are already praying, why does there need to be corporate praying?” Or they may say “Since I am praying at home I do not need to be a part of corporate prayer?”. A legitimate
In the world, in the realm of the lost (unsaved) we are seeing more and more unity for the things of Satan. But what about the Body of Christ? Are we seeing peace, love, unity among Christians or are
Because the phrase blessing is tied to the extreme, out of balance, prosperity message many Christians swing the pendulum too far and totally ignore the truth that God’s heart is to bless His children. What that looks like is
Minister, Pastor, Theologian J. Vernon McGee has some great commentary on Philippians 4:6. I will be quoting his statements and making my own comments.
Be careful (anxious) for nothing; but in everything by prayer and
ChristiansStop trying to comfort people with the saying “Your loved one is in a better place.” If you do not know their loved one was born again/saved, a follower of Christ, then you have no idea their eternal destiny.
There are several Scriptures that forewarn or speak on the concept of Apostasy. Thus, it would be best to look at the definition of Apostasy:
Apostasy, from the Greek word apostasia, means “A standing away from”. A
In our previous article we took a look at all the various definitions of the word apostasy. Based upon the definitions it is clear a person cannot commit the act of apostasy from Christianity unless they have been a
In Apostasy-Part One we took a look at the definitions for the word Apostasy. In Apostasy-Part Two we took a look at the Biblical Warnings Regarding Apostasy. In this article we will be taking a look at all the